Types of solar panels: rating by efficiency

New World Record: Solar Cell Efficiency Raised to 29.15%

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) research group described in Science magazine the development of a tandem solar cell made of perovskite and silicon. Its efficiency was 29.15%. This is currently a new world record. The previous efficiency figures were around 28%. Researchers plan to increase the efficiency of the tandem solar cell to 30% and even exceed this figure.

Silicon is the basic material for solar cells, while developments using perovskite (calcium titanate) are being conducted in parallel. Scientists think that the possibilities of perovskite have not yet been unlocked and using both materials, they get an increase in efficiency.

“Solar cells consisting of two semiconductors with different bandgap widths are able to demonstrate high efficiency compared to single cells, as tandem cells make fuller use of the solar spectrum. In particular, conventional silicon solar cells primarily efficiently convert the infrared portion of the solar spectrum into electrical energy, while perovskite compounds can efficiently convert the visible portion of the spectrum, increasing the CRD of the tandem.

Using perovskite and silicon does not increase the cost of solar panels.”

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